Posts Tagged ‘List’


Top Ten: Spiritual Successors of Video Games

October 8, 2009

A “Spiritual Successor” is a type of sequel that is not considered part of the same world and storyline but is nonetheless considered a successor since it was made by the original’s game creators and that it shares common themes, styles or elements of it. You can probably think of a Spiritual Successor as the smart-alecky half-brother who’s a little bit better than you. Today, RetroviewActive looks at the Top Ten Spiritual Successor video games in history.

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Top Five: Overly Used RPG Cliches (in order of predictability)

September 24, 2009

You’ve all seen them. You’ve all witnessed them, and at some point, you went even as far as saying, “Wait, this all feels like Deja-Vu” as you were playing. From Severe Memory Loss to Item Crafting, RetroviewActive looks at the Top Ten Overly Used RPG Cliche’s of all time. Buckle up, because this is going to get horribly clichéd.

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